Vendor: IBM
Exam Code: M2110-231
Exam Name: IBM Software Subscription & Support Sales Mastery Test v1
What specific renewal data can a Reseller/VAD view when they access Renewals via Passport Advantage Online?
A. All Renewal line items for all clients they have sold licenses or renewals to in the past.
B. Only renewal line items associated with the Reseller/VAD prior year’s transactions.
C. All Renewal line items for all clients they have sold licenses to regardless of when the licenses
were sold.
D. Their client’s entire IBM Software Subscription & Support quote.
Answer: C
What day of the month does IBM recommend Resellers/VADs pull their renewal data?
A. 1st
B. 15th
C. 17th
D. The last day.
Answer: C
When is your client’s Subscription & Support renewal due?
A. 30 days before their anniversary date.
B. On or before their anniversary date.
C. 45 days before their anniversary date.
D. At any time, there is not a set deadline.
Answer: B
When do clients receive their first Software Renewal Quote and Letter?
A. 75 days before their renewal anniversary
B. 90 days before their renewal anniversary
C. 45 days before their renewal anniversary
D. 30 days before their renewal anniversary
Answer: A
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