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Vendor: SAP
Exam Code: C_TBI30_73
Exam Name: SAP Certified Application Associate – Business Intelligence with SAP BW 7.3 and SAP BI 4.0
Version: DEMO
Topic 1, Analysis
For which purposes can you use the tabs in the Design panel of SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office? (Choose two)
A. The Components tab, to retrieve information such as filters assigned to single components
B. The Components tab, to add components such as charts or dropdown boxes to the workbook
C. The Information tab, to add text information to the workbook by using drag and drop
D. The Information tab, to display the structure of used elements
E. The Analysis tab, to define the data that is displayed in the crosstab
Answer: CE
Where can you save workbooks created with SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office? (Choose two)
A. In an Analysis iView in the Enterprise Portal
B. On your local PC
C. On the BI platform
D. On the BW server
Answer: BC
Which of the following functions is included in SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office?
A. Migrate a BEx Analyzer Workbook.
B. Create a Report-Report-Interface.
C. Define a filter by measure.
D. Save a variant to the BW server.
Answer: C
What is a capability in SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office, PowerPoint?
A. You can use the same filter options as in Analysis for Excel.
B. You can split long tables across multiple slides.
C. You can provide a design panel for conditional formatting.
D. You can perform calculations and axes swapping.
Answer: B
Which hierarchies are available when you use a BEx Query in SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office?
A. All hierarchies of the characteristics that you use in the query
B. The hierarchies that you activated in the query for the characteristics
C. All hierarchies of the InfoProvider that you use in the query
D. The hierarchies that you selected when inserting the query into Analysis
Answer: A
Topic 2, BEx Analyzer
What is the purpose of design mode in BEx Analyzer?
A. To change the query design
B. To design query views
C. To design and embed charts in the workbook
D. To define the layout of the workbook using design items
Answer: D
You create a workbook with exceptions in BEx Analyzer.
Your customer does not like the standard colors for Bad 1 and Good 2 exceptions.
What do you use to change the color settings in BEx Analyzer?
A. The theme
B. The portal theme
C. The XML file
D. The CSS file
Answer: A
What can you define when using the formula mode in BEx Analyzer?
A. Excel formulas to read data out of a data source defined in your workbook
B. Excel formulas to change the filter settings directly in the BEx Query definition
C. Excel formulas to change the navigation state of a data source defined in your workbook
D. Excel formulas to read data directly out of a PSA table
Answer: A
Which of the following statements regarding refreshing mode in BEx Analyzer is correct?
A. The “pause automatic refresh” option should only be used when you perform ad hoc analysis directly against an InfoProvider.
B. The “pause automatic refresh” option is the best practice option. You only use the “automatic refresh” option for special scenarios to optimize the use of the OLAP processor.
C. The “automatic refresh” option is the best practice option. You only use the “pause automatic refresh” if you want to define more than one filter and send them all to the OLAP processor.
D. The “pause automatic refresh” option prevents automatic data refreshes when you report against VirtualProviders with real-time data access.
Answer: C
Topic 3, BEx Query Designer
You want to create a calculated key figure at InfoProvider level.
Which key figures can you use?
A. All types of key figures defined at query level
B. Only calculated key figures defined at query level
C. All types of key figures defined at InfoProvider level
D. Only calculated key figures defined at InfoProvider level
Answer: C
Which of the following combinations of structures can you create in BEx Query Designer? (Choose two)
A. 1 characteristic structure and 2 key figure structures
B. 1 characteristic structure and 1 characteristic structure
C. 1 characteristic structure and 1 key figure structure
D. 1 key figure structure and 1 key figure structure
Answer: BC
You want to create a query in BEx Query Designer that produces a table as shown in the attached screenshot.
What do you have to use to accomplish this?
A. Filters
B. Structures
C. Exceptions
D. Restricted key figures
Answer: B
You open the Cost Center dimension in BEx Query Designer (see the attached graphic).
What information about the Cost Center characteristic can you determine? (Choose two)
A. The Cost Center is compounded to the Controlling area.
B. The Cost Center has display attributes.
C. The Cost Center has navigational attributes.
D. The Controlling area is compounded to the Cost Center.
Answer: AB
Which variable type can use the processing type “replacement path”? (Choose three)
A. Formula variable
B. Hierarchy variable
C. Hierarchy node variable
D. Characteristic value variable
E. Text variable
Answer: ADE
Which InfoObjects can you use when creating BEx Queries? (Choose two)
A. Hierarchies
B. Structures
C. Filters
D. Characteristics
E. Key figures
Answer: DE
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