Free Download Lead2pass Latest HP HP2-B120 Exam Dumps and Questions

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Who can benefit from the HP Care Pack value proposition?

A.    Distributor
B.    HP
C.    Only the customer, because it is a customer product
D.    The customer and Channel Managed Print Services partner

Answer: A

What is important fact to remember about the MPS market?

A.    Device contracts are declining, and MPS is growing.
B.    Transactional business is growing, and MPS market is declining
C.    The MPS market declined in line with the transactional market
D.    MPS market is growing, and the transactional market is declining

Answer: D

What happens to a partner that leaves the cMPS Partner program?

A.    They will become a cMPS Maintenance Partner with continued access to discount (SCRP) for existing contracts only
B.    The partner can continue to use the cMPS program for discounts for new contracts for a period of 12 months after leaving the program.
C.    They will become HP partner Managed Print Service Partner (HPpMPS)
D.    They have all existing contracts in the program managed by HP directly.

Answer: C

What is a benefit of the Supplies Contract Reseller Program (SCRP)?

A.    A toolkit including device discovery and monitoring software is provided
B.    HP supports pricing for the cMPS contracts for supplies and distributors
C.    The SCRP ID allows for multi-country HP supplies support
D.    Access to both hardware and HP supplies up-front discount is available.

Answer: B

Which discount process is used for HP supplies within the cMPS program?

A.    Smart Quote with SBD form
B.    Pre-Approved OPG discount
C.    SCRP
D.    OPG where available

Answer: D

What are HP Care Pack services?

A.    Bundled Genuine HP supplies and maintenance kits provided to customers at specific service intervals
B.    Support packages that extend and enhance hardware and software service beyond the scope of the included warranty
C.    HP standard limited warranties for devices, supplies, and customer replaceable parts, including full replacement services where required
D.    Teams of HP Customer Engineers who travel to customer locations for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting

Answer: C

Lead2pass HP HP2-B120 Exam Pack provides you with a learning perspective based on case studies and scenario based learning that improves you familiarity with actual exam context. HP HP2-B120 exam kit includes up to date exam questions well formatted in PDF&VCE versions, providing you convenience and excellence both at the same time. Your worries about exam complexity no more exist if you gained in depth knowledge about exam related content from our Exam Pack.